Bulging or ruptured discs occur when there’s damage or wear-and-tear on the spinal vertebrae. These small spinal discs sit in between each vertebra of the spine, and act as a cushion to allow free range of motion. They also serve as shock absorbers, protecting the spine from everyday movement like walking or running. Each disc is composed of harder cartilage surrounding a center of softer cartilage. As our bodies age, the discs can dehydrate, which makes them prone to damage. If you begin to experience back pain, numbness, tingling, or a sharp, shooting pain running from your back down one of your legs, it’s possible you have a bulging disc, or may have even ruptured a disc.
The Effects of Disc Pain
If you’re experiencing general back pain, it can be difficult to figure out the cause. Typically, bulging or ruptured discs occur because of age-related wear-and-tear, but they can also present after a traumatic incident like a fall, or lifting something using poor technique. If you’re experiencing back pain after a traumatic incident, seek treatment right away. Many people don’t realize that their pain is due to a ruptured or bulging disc until they begin to experience numbness or tingling in the area, or sciatica. Sciatica is the formal term for the burning, shooting pain that radiates from your back down to your legs. It’s a sign that the injured disc is irritating one of your nerves.
Non-Invasive Treatment for Disc Pain
To treat disc pain due to a ruptured or bulging disc, your chiropractor will begin by evaluating your spine through x-rays, as well as hands-on manipulation. Then, he or she will be able to determine a personalized treatment plan that will work for your individual needs.
Spinal manipulation is often the first phase of a chiropractor’s treatment plan. It involves physical adjustments that will hopefully ease symptoms. Flexion-distraction technique is a popular type of spinal manipulation, where the patient lies on a table while the chiropractor isolates the affected area and flexes it gently.
Another technique that many chiropractors use to treat disc pain is manipulation under anesthesia, which involves the patient being minimally sedated, so a chiropractor can move and stretch the area without your body’s natural resistance. It’s done in a hospital or outpatient surgical setting, but studies have found that it’s quite safe.
Your chiropractor may also provide some instruction on therapeutic exercises that will gently strengthen and flex your spine, and improve symptoms of disc pain. These should be done at home between chiropractic sessions.
Upper Cervical Chiropractic of Arizona Treats Arthritics
Have you ever typed “chiropractors near me” into Google and been totally disappointed? We completely understand how frustrating it can be to suffer from disc pain or arthritis and be totally unable to find a trustworthy chiropractor to help. Dr. Anthony Montoya is a trusted Phoenix chiropractor who specializes in the Blair Technique, which offers long-term relief to people with spine and neck issues.
If you’re looking for a Phoenix chiropractic clinic where you can get relief from bulging or ruptured discs, contact Dr. Montoya today to get a consultation.
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